Children’s Hospital Program

Undergoing complicated medical procedures, facing life-threatening illnesses and injuries, and feeling isolated and helpless are common experiences for children and their families in healthcare settings. These experiences can be experienced as traumatic. Using trauma-informed approaches, healthcare providers can lessen the traumatic impact of health conditions and treatments for children and their families.

That's why TTF partnered with Nemours Children's Health System, to explore what trauma-informed care means to children and families and how play can help children and families heal and cope.

Through our unique partnership with Nemours, we have come to understand more about how children and families experience healthcare and identify ways that play can become part of trauma-informed patient care. 

Research findings are currently being used to develop materials and approaches, that will aid in the healing and recovery process. Using play intervention materials and other related resources, our goal is to support and comfort children experiencing both short-term and long-term effects, due to illnesses, injuries, or painful procedures.