Global Market Research


The world moves quickly – and our global market research helps Toy Association members stay one step ahead of the competition in the global marketplace.

Our reports provide members with a global snapshot of what’s happening with today’s kids and families, helping them break into new markets and better understand regions where their toys and games are already sold.

To learn more about The Toy Association’s global market research initiatives, contact Anne McConnell, senior director of market research & data strategy.

Recent Reports

The NPD Group’s Global Toy Market Report - Annual 2019

NPD Group's Global Toy Market ReportThe report includes:

  • Global market size and trend data from 2014 to 2019
  • Global market size by region over time
  • Annual spend per child by region over time
  • Super category percent share based on NPD total country coverage
  • Licensed toy share

The report is available to members upon request.

Country-Specific Market Research

Along with in-house research, The Toy Association commissioned international consultancy, Kidz Global to gather data that would assist our members looking to expand to specific markets.

Click below to access the global research reports (members only).

Here’s an overview of what’s included in each members-only report.

Consumer Research: Each country-specific report includes an analysis of children’s weekly routines, play patterns, brand and character preferences, digital access, Christmas shopping trends, and paths to purchase drawn from recent consumer surveys.

Market Entry: Each country-specific report include an analysis of economic indicators, ideal target regions, audiences and retail channels, promotional opportunities, as well as additional business intelligence.